It's been ages since I've updated this cortex thingie. so much has happened since I last wrote; Blackburne was decimated in a horrible raid, followed by a stressful evac to Hale's -- My shop is gone now, lost to the attack. I'm a permanent resident of Hale's now.
Seana and I are married now. Officially, legally, in the eyes of the law and family and friends and Browncoat and Alliance alike, our lives are entwined now, forever.
I couldn't be happier. Our lives are different, and places and people change, but things are fundamentally the same.
Sea and I, accompanied by Belize, snuck off to Ariel for a weekend a month ago. Her family was waiting, and a small army was entrusted to make preparations for our ceremony, led by Mama K and Sea's old caregiver, Lady Sonja.
Upon arrival, after some initial planning, I was almost immediately waylaid by Uncle Elsoph, as soon as he could steal me away without disturbing the planning too much. He had new technology, new designs to show me, stuff to take back to Hale's with me. Seana reluctantly let me go; she was waylaid by her mother and Sonja who were primarily handling the arrangements.
I was OK with that -- I'm not so much with the girly party planning and only would've been in the way. It was bad enough that I would endure "shopping" with Lady Sonja for my dress - the family was determined to get me in a gown, alongside Seana. I think Seana disliked her gown more than I did mine!
Belize was off doing her own things, I guess, as we didn't see her much. Of course, with the whirlwind preparations, she could've been right there and I wouldn't have known it.
Lady Sonja picked a gorgeous bridal gown for me, and Seana was positively handsome in a long waistcoat. We held the ceremony in a forest grove on the family estate, with elements of western and eastern tradition included. I was told that some of it was part of Shinto, although I was too focused on Seana to notice. Uncle Elsoph stood in for Papa, giving me away, while Seana's father walked her up beside me, Seana's Grandfather stately and proud behind us.
From out of nowhere, all kinds of guests and friends appeared almost out of thin air to celebrate with us and share in our joy.
The ceremony went smoothly, although I barely remember it, the bliss of the moment being the only thing I remember other than Seana's eyes.
Then, it was over as quickly as it had begun, and we were spirited away to our reception where we would share our first moments as a married couple.
The reception was amazing, with gifts and family and food and fun, even if it was a little more traditional and formal than shindigs I'm accustomed to. Lots of congratulations, hugs, and so forth. Then it was over and Seana and I retired to our private room.
The rest of the weekend was wedded bliss and I will say no more about that. *sheepish grin*
The weekend was over far too quickly, and with many hugs and tears, and a cargo hold of supplies, we boarded Wave Equation and burned back for Hale's.
A month later, we got to do it all again -- Belize, bless her heart, organized a shindig at Fook's for the friends and family who couldn't attend the ceremony. My folks were there, giving their approval of Seana, and general and Krenshar and Lilybell and Charly, Garkuyan and Zade, and all kinds of other folks, wishing their best to Seana and Me. Gallagher stopped in and even took a few pictures for us, even!
So now, life goes on. Nothing's changed between Seana and me, what we already knew in our hearts, what we've been living as for months, except now there's no one in the 'Verse who can say we're not. No one can say it isn't real. I love this woman with all of my heart and soul, and I'm constantly surprised that for all my dreams of going to the core to find a sophisticated woman to love, I found my perfect happiness here on the rim, where I least expected to find it.
Folks have taken to calling me "Mrs. Madame Mayor" now, and it makes me giggle.
I wonder what Shen would think?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Busy busy busy..

Been real busy lately with work out on the orbital platforms and stuff.. Seana and I haven't even made time to go back to Ariel so we could officially get "hitched" in the eyes of the Law, the Alliance, and her parents. But it'll happen.
So much just keeping up with repairs, commutin' back and forth between Hale's and Blackburne, all the reavers and raiders and what-not that keep showing up...
Right now I'm startin' to work on a satellite Seana wants to retrofit with drives and navigation. I attached a pic Seana snapped of me working on it..
Not much else to say, really.. Life goes on at Hale's much as it always does.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It's been so long since I updated.. things have been so crazy. So much has happened.
Things have been amazing with Seana. We fit together on so many different levels that I don't know of anyone, anywhere that has what we have. And considering that it seems like so many other folks in Blackburne and Hale's are having love life problems, it seems bizarre that Seana and I should be one of the few stable relationships in this world. However, it works, and I couldn't be happier.
I moved in with Seana, sharing her boat on Hale's. I still have my garage on Blackburne, and I still work there and do my usual duties at Firefly's.
A while back Seana and I took a few days to fly to Ariel for the purposes of meeting her family. Seana comes from a very different world than I do; Her family owns one of the largest shipbuilding corporations in the 'Verse, and I wasn't sure what to expect. She also comes from a vastly different cultural background.
Her mother and father were incredibly gracious. I figured the best thing to do was to be on my best, most polite, most formal behavior, given her cultural background, and it apparently impressed them. Seana's mother and father gave their approval for our wedding, but compared to her grandfather, they seemed like normal people. Seana's grandfather was like most stoic, wizened, stereotypical Old Wise Asian(tm) from every old Earth-that-was Vid that you've ever seen.
Somehow I managed to not embarass myself. Somehow, I managed to do everything right and show proper respect, and Seana's grandfather gave his approval. I think partially it was because he could see just how happy Seana was.
The crowning glory of the trip though, was meeing Seana's "crazy" Uncle Elsoph. He's a mad engineer like I am, and obviously we're kindred spirits. We spent a lot of time together in Elsoph's lab discussing thermal engine dynamics, aerodynamic efficiency, and who made a better captain, Kirk or Picard. We hit it off immediately.
Seana took me around the core a bit, we went shopping, went sightseeing, but unfortunately, the trip was over way too soon and we were back on Hale's.
Shortly after we got back to Hale's, more drama came around. Seana, TD, Immy and I all agreed to adopt LilyBell, and officially become a family.. TD proposed to Immy, too.. LilyBell, well, she's always on the move and on the run and I simply can't keep up with everything she's going through, but there's a lot there.
Also, there's still this warbot situation to take care of. The warbot factory operation was seemingly destroyed on Blackburne, although I have my doubts as to whether or not they were totally annihilated. Only time will tell, but I -know- they're still on Hale's, and will be implementing my retro-suicide-virus on them soon. I've got a bot in my posession that I've infected, and now I've got to send it back to the nest and hope it infects it's brethren.
I've signed on to crew with a Firefly as well, the Full Burn.. It'll be similar to when I was on the Raven, shipping out of Washburne, only this time shipping out of Blackburne and Hale's. Seana, Immy, TD, and Belize are crewing as well. We haven't actually gone on any missions yet, but I'm sure we'll ship out soon. But before we do, Seana made TD agree that we'd take Full Burn to the Kawanishi Shipyards for a full refit led by Elsoph and Me before we took on any missions. I can't wait for that.
Until we get Full Burn refitted though, Seana and I are also in the planning stages for our wedding. We call each other wife now, but we aren't officially married yet. May as well be, and the ceremony will just solidify and legitimize to the rest of the 'verse what we already know and feel in our hearts. We're planning on a small ceremony on Ariel, with Seana's family, followed by bigger receptions on Blackburne and Hale's.
So much to do, so little time..
Things have been amazing with Seana. We fit together on so many different levels that I don't know of anyone, anywhere that has what we have. And considering that it seems like so many other folks in Blackburne and Hale's are having love life problems, it seems bizarre that Seana and I should be one of the few stable relationships in this world. However, it works, and I couldn't be happier.
I moved in with Seana, sharing her boat on Hale's. I still have my garage on Blackburne, and I still work there and do my usual duties at Firefly's.
A while back Seana and I took a few days to fly to Ariel for the purposes of meeting her family. Seana comes from a very different world than I do; Her family owns one of the largest shipbuilding corporations in the 'Verse, and I wasn't sure what to expect. She also comes from a vastly different cultural background.
Her mother and father were incredibly gracious. I figured the best thing to do was to be on my best, most polite, most formal behavior, given her cultural background, and it apparently impressed them. Seana's mother and father gave their approval for our wedding, but compared to her grandfather, they seemed like normal people. Seana's grandfather was like most stoic, wizened, stereotypical Old Wise Asian(tm) from every old Earth-that-was Vid that you've ever seen.
Somehow I managed to not embarass myself. Somehow, I managed to do everything right and show proper respect, and Seana's grandfather gave his approval. I think partially it was because he could see just how happy Seana was.
The crowning glory of the trip though, was meeing Seana's "crazy" Uncle Elsoph. He's a mad engineer like I am, and obviously we're kindred spirits. We spent a lot of time together in Elsoph's lab discussing thermal engine dynamics, aerodynamic efficiency, and who made a better captain, Kirk or Picard. We hit it off immediately.
Seana took me around the core a bit, we went shopping, went sightseeing, but unfortunately, the trip was over way too soon and we were back on Hale's.
Shortly after we got back to Hale's, more drama came around. Seana, TD, Immy and I all agreed to adopt LilyBell, and officially become a family.. TD proposed to Immy, too.. LilyBell, well, she's always on the move and on the run and I simply can't keep up with everything she's going through, but there's a lot there.
Also, there's still this warbot situation to take care of. The warbot factory operation was seemingly destroyed on Blackburne, although I have my doubts as to whether or not they were totally annihilated. Only time will tell, but I -know- they're still on Hale's, and will be implementing my retro-suicide-virus on them soon. I've got a bot in my posession that I've infected, and now I've got to send it back to the nest and hope it infects it's brethren.
I've signed on to crew with a Firefly as well, the Full Burn.. It'll be similar to when I was on the Raven, shipping out of Washburne, only this time shipping out of Blackburne and Hale's. Seana, Immy, TD, and Belize are crewing as well. We haven't actually gone on any missions yet, but I'm sure we'll ship out soon. But before we do, Seana made TD agree that we'd take Full Burn to the Kawanishi Shipyards for a full refit led by Elsoph and Me before we took on any missions. I can't wait for that.
Until we get Full Burn refitted though, Seana and I are also in the planning stages for our wedding. We call each other wife now, but we aren't officially married yet. May as well be, and the ceremony will just solidify and legitimize to the rest of the 'verse what we already know and feel in our hearts. We're planning on a small ceremony on Ariel, with Seana's family, followed by bigger receptions on Blackburne and Hale's.
So much to do, so little time..
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sabrina has a heart attack..
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
I asked Seana to marry me.
Not like it was any big surprise..
She said yes.
Oh god, oh god.
Please god, let this time be real.
I asked Seana to marry me.
Not like it was any big surprise..
She said yes.
Oh god, oh god.
Please god, let this time be real.
Friday, January 9, 2009
They say that if you don't ask, you won't receive.
Looking over these notes and entries.. Can it be that just
a few weeks ago I was ready to walk away from everything again?
I was asking for someone to send me an angel. I asked for a Happy Ever After.
Guess someone was listening after all. But I have to be grateful to the
folks who told me I was being silly, wanting to run away. If I'd run
away, headed out into the wastes again, I would've missed my opportunity.
Thanks, everybody..
And thank you, Sea. I've got a reason to fight again, a reason to survive and perservere and tell this gorram world that I'm not gonna let it swallow me up.
Looking over these notes and entries.. Can it be that just
a few weeks ago I was ready to walk away from everything again?
I was asking for someone to send me an angel. I asked for a Happy Ever After.
Guess someone was listening after all. But I have to be grateful to the
folks who told me I was being silly, wanting to run away. If I'd run
away, headed out into the wastes again, I would've missed my opportunity.
Thanks, everybody..
And thank you, Sea. I've got a reason to fight again, a reason to survive and perservere and tell this gorram world that I'm not gonna let it swallow me up.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Dear Cortex Diary..
I have a new girlfriend now. Seana and I have been seeing each other for a while now. We're so incredibly cute. *giggle* Plus, well, it's kinda wierd and kinda neat to be dating the Mayor of the Hale's Colony. I mean, yeah, how'd THAT happen?
First I date someone who ends up being a ninja mercenary formerly in the employ of Adelai Niska.. She two-times me and tries to fall on her sword.. And now I'm dating a political figure in charge of an entire colony? Do I know how to pick 'em or what?
And the funny thing is, we were both crushing on Imrhien. Hard. To the point we both were obsessing over her. Makes for funny stories.. 'course, it would also make for one heck of a three way.. *evil giggle*
But, wow.. Seana's amazing. And so is the sex. *laughing*
I have a new girlfriend now. Seana and I have been seeing each other for a while now. We're so incredibly cute. *giggle* Plus, well, it's kinda wierd and kinda neat to be dating the Mayor of the Hale's Colony. I mean, yeah, how'd THAT happen?
First I date someone who ends up being a ninja mercenary formerly in the employ of Adelai Niska.. She two-times me and tries to fall on her sword.. And now I'm dating a political figure in charge of an entire colony? Do I know how to pick 'em or what?
And the funny thing is, we were both crushing on Imrhien. Hard. To the point we both were obsessing over her. Makes for funny stories.. 'course, it would also make for one heck of a three way.. *evil giggle*
But, wow.. Seana's amazing. And so is the sex. *laughing*
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Dear Cortex Diary,
So.. yeah, wow..
Life just got -real- interesting. Bunch of different ways.. Don't know that I can say a whole lot just yet.. But wanna say something so I remember the date. 'Cos I won't forget -why- I wrote this.. But I'm gonna wanna remember when.
Crazy stuff, this.. Some good stuff, too.. but holy crap my world's gonna be inside out for a while.
I could get used to this.
So.. yeah, wow..
Life just got -real- interesting. Bunch of different ways.. Don't know that I can say a whole lot just yet.. But wanna say something so I remember the date. 'Cos I won't forget -why- I wrote this.. But I'm gonna wanna remember when.
Crazy stuff, this.. Some good stuff, too.. but holy crap my world's gonna be inside out for a while.
I could get used to this.
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