Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Dear Cortex Diary..

I have a new girlfriend now. Seana and I have been seeing each other for a while now. We're so incredibly cute. *giggle* Plus, well, it's kinda wierd and kinda neat to be dating the Mayor of the Hale's Colony. I mean, yeah, how'd THAT happen?

First I date someone who ends up being a ninja mercenary formerly in the employ of Adelai Niska.. She two-times me and tries to fall on her sword.. And now I'm dating a political figure in charge of an entire colony? Do I know how to pick 'em or what?

And the funny thing is, we were both crushing on Imrhien. Hard. To the point we both were obsessing over her. Makes for funny stories.. 'course, it would also make for one heck of a three way.. *evil giggle*

But, wow.. Seana's amazing. And so is the sex. *laughing*

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