But really, most of it's kind of day-to-day stuff, right? And who wants to hear about that? Occasionally there's exciting stuff like reaver attacks, raiders, and the infrequent Alliance presence, but for the most part, life on Blackburne is like life anywhere else.. yeah, it can be rough at times, but it's life all the same; People come, people go, people get born, people die.
I been spending more and more time out in the wastelands surrounding Blackburne, trying to find useful bits and bobs and scavenging and salvaging anything I can worth savin' to bring back to town. I even managed to put together a functioning shuttle, although that took quite a while to do. It makes for long times away from town, and I know folks miss me, and I miss them, so it's always a good thing to come back to.
In fact, tonight's my first night DJing again after a month or so. I had to take another extended trip out to the wastes; I've been looking for upgrades for the town's existing power/water sources. We've had far too many raids later by wasteland raiders and reavers and I'm worried about us being left with -no- infrastructure whatsoever. Anyways, it'll be good to get back into the groove, and I'm terribly happy to see everyone again! I had a birthday when I came back, and supposedly tonight's gonna be a small "party" for me..
While I was gone, I managed to come across some old media vids from Earth-that-was, and found an old show that could've been taken directly from my life. In fact, one of the characters I swear to the gods looks JUST like me!

Amazing, right? Here's a recent picture of me at my computer, typing up other stuff..

Anyways.. life goes on. All the lovely ladies in my life have drifted away from me, and I'm essentially back to being alone. I guess I can understand -- must be hard to be close to someone who's gone for extended periods of time, right? But hopefully things will turn for the better soon. Seems like it has for everyone else. Folks getting married, folks having kidlets.. My luck's gotta change, right?
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